The Rotary Club of Larchmont has inducted its 2022-23 slate of officers. They include: President, Lester Nathan; Treasurer, Alan Sloate; Asst Treasurer, Marion Anderson; Secretary, Ruby Zayas; Membership Chair, Michael Gedigk and Foundation Chair, Marian White. President Nathan takes over from outgoing president, Marion Anderson, who held the post for the last three years.
The induction took place at the club’s August 5th lunch meeting at the Larchmont Yacht Club. The ceremony was conducted by Sandy Wolstein, who is an assistant district governor and a member of the Bronx Rotary Club.
After the induction ceremony, President Nathan gave his acceptance speech, summarizing his objectives for the next year. This was followed by a presentation of a gavel and stand to Past President Anderson in recognition of her service to the club. The meeting closed with a few remarks by Ms Anderson.
The Rotary Club of Larchmont is part of Rotary International, with over 1.2 million members worldwide. Rotary is an organization of business and professional persons united worldwide who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world. Since its founding in 1929, the Larchmont Club has supported the community through donations to local groups; awards to area high school students for outstanding service and dedication to the community; and sponsorship of an essay contest for middle school students dealing with a relevant topic.
Guests are welcome at the club's bi-monthly meetings. Interested individuals can contact the club by going to our website ( or calling Lester Nathan at 914-834-6767.
From left to right: Marion Anderson, Sandy Wolstein, Lester Nathan, Marian White, Michael Gedigk and Alan Sloate
Watch a slideshow (on YouTube) of scenes from the Installation.